Cash Converters

Cash Converters

What does Cash Converters pay most for?

The most common things that Cash Converters buy are jewellery, games, and phones, but there are so many other things you can also sell to us.

You’ll get great value for:

  • Gold.
  • iPhones.
  • iPads.
  • PlayStations.
  • Xbox consoles.
  • Nintendo consoles.
  • Tools.
  • Stereo equipment.

What items do Cash Converters accept?

What can you sell?

  • Electronics (laptops, cell phones, monitors, microphones, TVs)
  • Jewellery (gold antique pieces, watches, rings, bracelets, necklaces)
  • Gaming consoles and video games.
  • Kitchen appliances (coffee machines, blenders, kettles, air fryers)
  • Power Tools (drills, jigsaws, sanders, circular saws)

Which is better cash crusaders or Cash Converters?

If you are a buyer looking for good second-hand items, go with Cash Converters. The shop has a wider range of second-hand items you can buy that are still in good condition. For brand new items, go with Cash Crusaders.

Can I pawn my phone at Cash Converters?

Our Pawnbroking Loan Options

You can loan against any item of value that you own like iphones, computers, cameras and more.

Cash Converters

Cash Converters


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